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 While paying tribute to Oberon, McKnight sought to modernize the row of tightly wound curls Oberon often wore like a crown on her head by reimagining her signature style as a sleek, low-slung updo. After parting the hair clean at the middle, he created the style by pulling lengths back into a series of low ponytails at the nape, then placing the ends of each section into a curling iron and rolling up the section to the base, releasing the iron, and pinning each curl in place to create a single row, or double rows of curls in a square shape. A chic and flattering style for Fendi's diverse cast, which included Karen Elson, Paloma Elsesser, Eva Herzigova, Penelope Tree, and Yasmin Le Bon, the Fendi roll is a more affordable and Zoom-friendly alternative to this season's Baguette. So make like McKnight and get to curling and pinning!

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It was through White Elk’s after-school clubs in high school that they also began to really pick up traditional elements of their culture through fashion. White Elk began familiarizing themselves with Native teachers and elders in the clubs, and eventually became interested in picking up the art of beadwork specifically. “I focus on making smaller objects, like bracelets or earrings,” says White Elk. “I always look on TikTok and YouTube for Native beadwork creators, and how they create it.” This partaking in fashion design also ignited their interest in modeling. “We have seen couples proceed with intimate ceremony plans this year with the intention to host the reception at a future date when it’s safer for family and friends to come together,” Christopher Preston, Director of Catering & Events at the Waldorf Astoria in Beverly Hills, says. The most popular spots on property? The outdoor terrace at their Jean-Georges restaurant, a grand suite overlooking Beverly Hills, and the rooftop. The terrace at Jean-Georges Beverly Hills, a popular spot for intimate ceremonies at the Waldorf Astoria. Just saying—David Harbour and Lily Allen did it.