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Oh my God, you know that’s like one of my all-time favorite books ever. It really holds up. Rob Sapolsky is brilliant. I think he’s a genius. But I’ve also noticed I’ve been reading more books that inspire me. I absolutely love this one called The Woman Behind the Awesome disney world walt disney world 50th anniversary disney mickey mouse disney vacation disney friends shirt Furthermore, I will do this New Deal. It’s about Frances Perkins. The whole safety net. She created it as Labor secretary under FDR. It just shows the power for people to create change. All the stuff we have now: workplace safety and a 40-hour workweek and all that stuff. Exactly. One of the things that happened in this pandemic is that employers who used to say, ‘No, you can’t work from home’ now are like ‘Of course everybody can work from home.’ This is a moment when that type of sea change is happening. The world is changing and it’s been because of something terrible, but there’s also this opportunity for us to create change for good. And that’s what inspires me right now.

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Awesome disney world walt disney world 50th anniversary disney mickey mouse disney vacation disney friends hoodie

You’re going to get it wrong sometimes. Have enough grace for yourself. Forgive yourself enough. Know you’re doing your best and you’re not going to get it right every time. That is what gives us the Awesome disney world walt disney world 50th anniversary disney mickey mouse disney vacation disney friends shirt Furthermore, I will do this space to be open to when we don’t get it right. If you feel like you have to be perfect and someone tells you that you made a mistake, you feel bad about yourself. I just assume I’m making mistakes, like, all the time. [Laughs] Are there just going to be glitches and snags in all of this? We shouldn’t expect all our answers and solutions to be perfect, so how do we let ourselves off the hook with that even as we commit ourselves to empathy and thinking outside of our norms?