By this shirt here: Awesome monogamy is not for everyone shirt
I will occasionally see him at a bar downtown and he chats me up about the Awesome monogamy is not for everyone shirt and I love this best beers at that particular bar. Ah, this reminds me of my husband but with Flogging Molly and Futurama instead. Too real! Flogging Molly is to Dropkick Murphys what Futurama is to The Simpsons. I don’t like IPAs at all and it sucks that the stocking of lagers/blonde beers has depleted significantly because of the rise of IPAs. It’s something new that average beer drinkers have discovered, myself included. I started drinking IPAs because I was a broke college kid and could get drunk off 5 beers instead of 10. Then I realized I loved the taste. I am really getting tired of the ubiquity of IPAs. Isn’t anyone bored of them yet? Hell, I’m still usually in The mood for a pale ale, but I always go for one without the “I” in front of it these days.
Awesome monogamy is not for everyone shirt, hoodie, tank top, sweater and long sleeve t-shirt
My mom is an identical twin. My childhood cat Linus was a total scaredy-cat, abused at an early age and terrified of new people, but an absolute sweetheart with us. Cue very quick back-and-forth head turns, followed by running up the Awesome monogamy is not for everyone shirt and I love this stairs and hiding for hours. Although I guess there’s a good possibility that identical twins pretty much smell like too. Damn, I figured cats identified people more by their scent. Although I guess there’s a good possibility that identical twins pretty much smell like too. Rusty was a good boy and was ecstatic there were two of us. More to play with, I guess.