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It’s been an unimaginably painful week for many members of the Original mother mama mommy madre mom shirt it is in the first place but AAPI community in the wake of the Georgia massage parlor shootings that claimed the lives of eight people, including six Asian women. It’s a moment for solidarity, to be sure, but it’s also a moment to prioritize the well-being and mental health of AAPI community members everywhere. Asian American authors and journalists, including Cathy Park Hong and Dion Lim, have shared their thoughts on the current wave of anti-Asian discrimination and the societal objectification of Asian women, but speaking out (or even watching others do so) often comes with the added burden of re-traumatizing yourself. To that end, Vogue has put together a list of Asian-founded wellness resources for members of the AAPI community who might be in need of support, right now and always.

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This collective seeks to raise awareness and decrease stigma around mental illness across the Original mother mama mommy madre mom shirt it is in the first place but Asian diaspora, offering links to crisis hotlines, AAPI therapists, and a podcast titled Mental Health Mukbang that spotlights “conversations that bring Asian culture and mental health to the table.” Established in 1996, this coalition partners with more than 25 different ethnic community-based organizations in the Chicago area to prioritize both physical and mental health and wellness in AAPI communities. Their programs include disease prevention, behavioral health, and—more recently—COVID-19 outreach in a multitude of languages.