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 By this shirt here: Retired nurse 2021 funny rn nursing retirement gift shirt

Biodiversity is the Retired nurse 2021 funny rn nursing retirement gift shirt In addition,I will do this variability of species on our planet and is crucially important, considering how connected our ecosystems are. A shocking one million species are now at risk of extinction, with the rate of biodiversity loss estimated to be happening at 1,000 times the natural rate. Considering the vast majority of materials used in fashion come from nature (whether it’s cotton grown in fields or viscose from trees), the industry is slowly waking up to its role in this; both Kering and LVMH have announced new initiatives aimed at restoring biodiversity this year.

Retired nurse 2021 funny rn nursing retirement gift shirt

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Retired nurse 2021 funny rn nursing retirement gift Hoodie

With an astonishing 100 billion garments produced globally each year, overconsumption is a real problem. Put simply, we are getting through more garments than we actually need and are making more clothes than our planet can take. In fact, it’s estimated that the Retired nurse 2021 funny rn nursing retirement gift shirt In addition,I will do this number of times a garment is worn has decreased by 36% in the past two decades, and discarded clothes often end up in landfills. That’s why the “buy less, buy better” philosophy is more important than ever.