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 When asked to describe her in three words, John Lennon answered: “Hot, hot, hot, smart, smart, smart!” According to David Bailey, who loved her and photographed her in the 1960s, she was the catalyst that fired the flower power movement of that era. And this afternoon in Milan, Penelope Tree turned up on a runway, at Fendi, for the first time, she reckoned, in nearly 40 years. While skin tended to be fresh and natural across the board, two shows that made the boldest "bare" statements were Burberry and Victoria Beckham. For the former, Ffrench, who is Burberry's global beauty director, used just enough foundation to cover spots or darkness, then swirled on contour and highlighting powders for a sculpted glow, while for the latter, dewy complexions were enhanced with gloss blended on the high planes of the face.

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Forwarding the momentum of New York, London Fashion Week continued to help audiences—both in-person and digitally—comprehend the current moment, as well as escape from it. Through the beauty lens, designers offered up new ways to approach makeup in face masks (and not just at eye-level), as well as how to use presentation to transport yourself to another time or place. From Bora Aksu's blurred fuchsia lips to Simone Rocha's reimagined Regency curls, here are the five biggest beauty moments from the spring 2021 season. Erdem is a show always primed to serve up dreamy hair accessories. This season, it was all about the layered white grosgrain ribbon headbands, which were wrapped around wispy knots of all textures by hairstylist Anthony Turner. A versatile strategy for enhancing both a tousled updo and any outfit, try adding a touch of sophisticated whimsy with a neutral ribbon, starting now.