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 The film, Ruth, which has been in the works for several years and was originally planned to be released in conjunction with Ginsburg’s 90th birthday, is directed by Freida Lee Mock, whose Maya Lin: A Strong Clear Vision won the Academy Award for best feature documentary in 1995. It is being produced by a team of award-winning industry veterans, including executive producers Sandra Lee and Geralyn White Dreyfous, as well as Regina K. Scully, Barbara Dobkin, Danielle Summer Mark and Cara Kennedy Cuomo, a daughter of New York governor Andrew Cuomo. Another documentary about Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the Supreme Court justice who died on September 18 at the age of 87, may be released in the coming weeks. If so, it will arrive just as the U.S. Senate takes on the contentious battle over her replacement and as the country gets closer to a presidential election in which the makeup of the Supreme Court has emerged as a key campaign issue.

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Tree, who happens to be a close friend of my aunt, is absolutely both amazing and strong. However, when bumped into during the pre-see, she was swaying a little in a gust of nervy anticipation. “How long since I did a show?” she asked back. “Don’t make me think about it. I’m pretty sure it was in the 1980s for Jenny [Kee] and Linda [Jackson]. But right now I’m just trying to keep it together. What’s great is that there are so many others doing it—it makes you feel like nobody cares too much.” “Penelope is a great woman,” said Silvia Venturini Fendi preshow: “I wanted to ask her here because she shows that strength is absolutely beyond age. Really, she’s amazing.”