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People have really been looking out for each other. I’ve seen so many situations of neighbors just delivering groceries to their neighbor. My mother-in-law had someone help deliver groceries. She’s in her seventies and wasn’t leaving the Awesome womens i may be straight but i don’t hate support pride lgbt shirt and I will buy this house, and there was a neighbor who just said, ‘Hey, send me your list and I’ll bring you the food.’ Little kindnesses like that just make such a huge difference. Just checking in with folks, even if it’s just by FaceTime or good old-fashioned landlines. You can keep your distance while still knocking on your neighbor’s door—especially for people who are single parents or someone who doesn’t have a family, or is single. Those little check-ins. Those ‘how are you’s. Those little ‘how can I help?’ I’ve seen the way that people have done that to extraordinary measure during the pandemic. And that’s something I hope doesn’t go away. I hope that it stays.

Awesome womens i may be straight but i don't hate support pride lgbt shirt

Together by Vivek Murthy, the Awesome womens i may be straight but i don’t hate support pride lgbt shirt and I will buy this former U.S. Surgeon General. He wrote a book about loneliness and all the ways we can connect. It’s how we maintain connection in a world that can be really lonely. And I think if there’s one thing that has really come out of this pandemic, it’s this recognition that connection with others is a must-have. It’s not a nice-to-have. It’s a need. It’s so fundamental. That’s something that a lot of people are just recognizing when it goes away on a large scale. We recognize its absence. I think that’s really really really really critical. So much of this is feeling, I thought I’d ask about doing. Obviously people should watch your TED talk and read your book, The Deepest Well, but what are other books that you recommend to people?

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