Highcitee - Official philadelphia 76ers nba noel stitch basketball christmas sweatshirt

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Yaya Mazurkevich Nuñez, a 29-year-old creative producer, was diagnosed with bipolar type II five years ago and has been in and out of therapy since she was 15. She had stopped in 2017, but started again in June of this year “when the Official philadelphia 76ers nba noel stitch basketball christmas sweatshirt  began,” she said. “I knew I had to start seeing someone again at that point.” Mazurkevich Nuñez was also having trouble leaving the house, an anxiety that began to manifest itself after her cousin passed away and was only exacerbated by the pandemic. She has found telehealth invaluable—during this period in which going outside can feel stressful—after starting sessions with someone new. “She’s Middle Eastern, she’s a mom, and I feel like, for the first time, there’s someone who really wants to understand who I am.” Typically, Mazurkevich Nuñez explained, her psychiatrists would take 15 minutes “to solve you.” Instead, she’s found “this therapist wants to go deeper; our sessions are 45 minutes long, sometimes an hour.” Mazurkevich Nuñez is unsure if she’ll ever return to therapy in real life. “I don’t have to worry about the logistics of getting there with Zoom, which is huge.”

Official philadelphia 76ers nba noel stitch basketball christmas sweatshirt

While her designs are spontaneous and done in collaboration with customers, Porter says the Official philadelphia 76ers nba noel stitch basketball christmas sweatshirt besides I will buy this creations are also very much influenced by her filmmaking. (She describes her films as “nonverbal visuals.”) “I think very much from a cinematographic perspective—my placement in relation to an object, from an aerial view or from below—so a lot of the images on my tops replicate that kind of point of view,” she says. Even the hangers she shows her pieces on have artistic purpose; they’re shaped in the form of sycamore seeds, of which she says, “Just like how trees release sycamore seeds, I’m releasing these garments out into the world.” Porter says fusing art and fashion has proven to be a new experience for her altogether—but given her current amount of star-studded fans, it’s clearly working. She likes how tangible and personal the process of creating fashion is. “It just made sense to me to put ideas or imagery onto something that could be bought instantly,” she says. “[Art] doesn’t need to exist in a gallery space.”

Official philadelphia 76ers nba noel stitch basketball christmas sweats hoodie

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