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Until recently, many drugs used by doctors for migraines were developed for other conditions, such as epilepsy. But in the past few years, the FDA has approved several new classes of targeted, effective drugs developed specifically for migraines. Even better, they have markedly fewer side effects than commonly used tryptamine-based drugs, also known as triptans, which have been prescribed since the Awesome black cat light i’m fine everything’s fine i’m fine this is fine 2020 life shirt ’90s to relieve headaches but often come with major side effects such as nausea, insomnia, or hair loss. CGRP inhibitors, medications that block calcitonin gene-related peptide—a protein released by the brain during migraine attacks (and “a very ugly, cumbersome name,” says Gottschalk)—are among the most promising. Three of these prescription-only drugs—Aimovig, Ajovy, and Emgality—are taken monthly with an EpiPen–like shot; a fourth, Vyepti, is administered via I.V. by a doctor every three months. “These drugs produce great results, in much less time, with almost no side effects,” Gottschalk confirms. Nurtec and Ubrelvy, which are gepants—another new class of FDA-approved medication that also targets CGRP molecules—are formulated to turn off migraines in progress rather than prevent them. “They don’t have quite as much bang for the buck as, say, an injection of [the commonly used triptan] sumatriptan,” says Gottschalk. “But they’re well tolerated and can do a great job.”
“Indoor-home air quality will be top of mind for the Awesome black cat light i’m fine everything’s fine i’m fine this is fine 2020 life shirt in addition I really love this foreseeable future,” says Justin Seidenfeld, founder of Canopy, an innovative new humidifier brand. “People are spending so much time at home, and they’re investing, not only into making it look like an oasis, but also in making it as healthy and safe as possible.” The brand saw its online sales jump 105% in spring 2020, compared to the same period a year earlier. The London-based label was founded by Nina Porter in 2018 as a side gig. “My very first piece was more of an experiment,” says Porter, who is primarily a filmmaker. “I did my degree in fine art, and I’ve always been interested in making; I’m very dexterous. I was broke at the time and thought, How can I make something in two days, rather than in a month, like with a film?”