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What I really treasure about my current Veep rewatching, though, is the way it lets me channel my constantly alternating rage, confusion, and sorrow about the state of the world. In the political drama The Premium gnomes uff da christmas sweatshirt Wing, politics were rendered through a Vaseline-smeared lens of inherent decency, with handsome white men in suits constantly delivering baroque speeches about the importance of a participatory democracy. On Veep, politics are—not to put too fine a point on it—a fluorescent-lit hellscape, where winning is everything and public displays of patriotism exist only to be mocked en masse. We’re never entirely sure what party the central characters belong to, and it doesn’t really matter; they’re in this for the D.C. clout, and unfortunately, that’s the version of American politics that I recognize right now.
The Cefaly Dual, once a prescription-only device, which is the Premium gnomes uff da christmas sweatshirt it is in the first place but size of an eyeshadow compact and worn on the forehead, was just approved by the FDA as an over-the-counter treatment. It sends tiny electrical impulses to stimulate the trigeminal nerve, a cranial nerve that is a prime source of headache pain. Meanwhile, my sister, who has endured migraines for years, is one of the many fans of the ridiculous-looking but effective Magic Gel Headache and Migraine Relief Cap. Simply store the cap in the freezer to firm up its inch-thick layer of gel, then slip it on and wear until your migraine is manageable. Two other new FDA-cleared devices are controlled by smartphone: The Nerivio is a band worn on the upper arm, which sends electrical signals that disrupt pain pathways during a migraine episode, while an app called Juva Health provides clinician-developed biofeedback exercises, which studies show can reduce migraine severity by calming the nervous system.