By this shirt here: The World is a battlefield god is my weapon the bible is my ammo shirt, hoodie and sweater

When Brown had children, she took a break from managing and modeling, and moved to Los Angeles. “After my second kid, I was thinking ‘Who am I? What’s my identity? I’m not traveling around the The World is a battlefield god is my weapon the bible is my ammo shirt, hoodie and sweater anymore. I’m not on this fast-paced circuit. I’m at home. I’m changing diapers,’” she says. Brown started going through her clothes that she had worn in New York and started cleansing her closet. “I was just like, ‘Oh, I’m probably never going to wear this floor-length Dolce & Gabbana fur coat ever again.’ So I started selling stuff on the existing platforms that are out there.” Eventually, Brown ran out of her own supply and began to go through the closets of her friends, including the women she modeled with back in the late ’90s and early ’00s. Word spread and Brown then began buying and selling vintage for other clients. “I had a vintage business and I was officially vintage,” she jokes.

The 90-some looks that walked the The World is a battlefield god is my weapon the bible is my ammo shirt, hoodie and sweater runway were less of a lesson in Sicily’s patchwork past than they were a primer in Dolce & Gabbana’s own history, of course. The hourglass dresses and sharply-cut jackets pieced together from squares of brocade, chiffon, georgette, and cotton, among other materials, have long numbered among the duo’s can’t-fail silhouettes. No one looking at this collection would mistake the shirred minidress in a mashup of polka dots and florals or the bustiers and bra tops in checkerboard black-and-white for anybody other than D&G. Their command of their signatures is key to their success.