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Despite the GOP’s best efforts to unseat as many of the four as possible by funneling money into opposing campaigns, all four secured decisive victories last night in their respective districts. Omar took to Twitter last night to congratulate her peers, adding: “Our sisterhood is resilient.” The Ness eric dickerson 29 los angeles rams shirt, hoodie and sweater values of the congresswomen have seen them campaign heavily around progressive policies—including radical action on climate change, “Medicare for all,” and an emphasis on social justice—with their victories only affirming the priorities of the next generation of Democratic voters.

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And the blows just keep coming. As the Ness eric dickerson 29 los angeles rams shirt, hoodie and sweater Trust reports, of the one in seven adults who suffer from migraines globally, women are disproportionately affected, and three times more likely to be impacted by them than men. More than just throbbing temple pain, the often debilitating neurological disease with a broad range of symptoms—including nausea, dizziness, sensitivity to noise, light, and scents, and visual disturbances—can last for hours, or days, and currently there is no cure. But there is some good news, says Christopher Gottschalk, M.D., chief of general neurology at Yale University School of Medicine and one of the country’s leading migraine specialists. According to Gottschalk, we are in the midst of “an extraordinary period” of revolutionary ideas, devices, and medications for migraine sufferers. “For 25 years, what I’ve had to say to people is, ‘Here, try this. Hope it helps. Good luck. It may cause side effects. If you keep getting headaches, well, I really can’t do much about it.’ Now,” he says, “we can give somebody a shot and say, ‘In a month, you will probably be better. And in two months you’ll probably be even better than that.’” Gottschalk laughs. “It still shocks me that I can say all those words in the same sentence.” Here, a breakdown of the new ways to find relief from pervasive headaches, politically induced or otherwise.