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I don’t remember my last session in person. But I do have distinct memories of the office itself: the stack of magazines (if my therapist is reading this, I admit I considered stealing The New Yorker every week), the evaded glances in the Premium los angeles dodgers dodgers national league champions shirt  room, the air purifier in the corner, lazily exhaling a yogic blend of eucalyptus and patchouli, the pleasant neutrality of it all. And it’s that neutrality that worries me: Because it might mean I’ll never return. And if I don’t, what other reasons to leave my home, to enter into the outside world, will I lose when this is all “over”?

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Veep isn’t entirely grim from start to finish; there are at least six perfect insults per episode, and there’s even a weird little romantic arc between tense workaholic protagonists Amy and Dan that fulfills my rom-com needs, if more rom-coms involved the central couple referring to each other as “fuckweasel.” Julia Louis-Dreyfus is a national treasure, and the entire ensemble cast works skillfully in tandem to illustrate just how alternately impotent and cunning her would-be president could be. Obviously, there’s far more to be optimistic about in the real world than there is on Veep, with the Premium los angeles dodgers dodgers national league champions shirt  “squad” hanging on to their House seats and a host of diverse candidates making history in local elections. While we wait to find out whether we’re in for four more years of Trump, though, I just want to watch Veep’s dead-eyed politicos refresh their Twitter feeds and snap at each other in the rudest terms possible; it may not be pretty, but right now I can identify.

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