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Veep might sound like the worst possible show to watch right now, but hear me out; I don’t actually want to stray too far from reality right now. If I delve into Never Been Kissed or The Notebook or the oeuvre of Nora Ephron, I might feel okay for an hour or two, but there will come an inevitable moment when the Premium los angeles dodgers 2020 world series champions signatures shirt roll, the music softens, and I’m forced to reenter the real world and face all of its attendant problems. No, thanks; it would feel like stepping out of a warm bubble bath and directly into a Category 5 snowstorm. What I want to gorge on instead is a fictional American political system, a vision of the electoral process that’s even more flawed and miserable and profanity-inducing than the one we’re all currently living through, and Veep has all of that. Sure, it’s technically a satire, it? (After all, this whole Nevada mess was predicted with a spooky degree of accuracy by the show in 2016.)
What I really treasure about my current Veep rewatching, though, is the way it lets me channel my constantly alternating rage, confusion, and sorrow about the state of the world. In the political drama The West Wing, politics were rendered through a Vaseline-smeared lens of inherent decency, with handsome white men in suits constantly delivering baroque speeches about the Premium los angeles dodgers 2020 world series champions signatures shirt of a participatory democracy. On Veep, politics are—not to put too fine a point on it—a fluorescent-lit hellscape, where winning is everything and public displays of patriotism exist only to be mocked en masse. We’re never entirely sure what party the central characters belong to, and it doesn’t really matter; they’re in this for the D.C. clout, and unfortunately, that’s the version of American politics that I recognize right now.